Student Blogging Challenge Week 6 Activity 2: Science

Hi Edubloggers,


For this week’s challenge which revolves around science, I wanted to bring up the method of “plogging,” which spread through word-of-mouth, and the hashtag #plogging started popping up on social media.

According to Collins Dictionary, plogging is the activity of picking up litter when jogging. Another tidbit of information is “Single-use” is the Collins dictionary word of the year. In this post, I will talk about the origins, benefits, outcomes, and how to start plogging yourself!

Photo Credit: Free For Commercial Use (FFC) Flickr via Compfight cc

Starting as a craze in Sweden to help the environment and get some exercise (squatting down to pick up trash,) plogging is starting to allure people in the United States. The origins began when people were not happy with seeing trash or waste wherever they went, so they revised the solution. Not by using some sort of new machine of gadget, but by simply putting on disposable gloves and picking up trash.

So we know that it helps the environment, but like I mentioned earlier, it is also a great way to keep fit! According to the app Lifesum, an app that allows users to keep track of their plogging activities states that “A Half-hour of jogging plus picking up trash will burn 288 calories for the average person, compared with the 235 burned by jogging alone.” It is even better to engage in the trend with friends, or even start a group!

Finaly, here is a how-to based off wikiHowto’s article.

  1.  Dress appropriately (especially when you don’t know what you could pick up.) Wardrobe could include long pants, shoes, and disposable gloves to help you pick trash up without contracting germs or diseases.
  2. Find a plastic bag to place your findings
  3. (Optional): Organize a group or plog with friends.
  4. Find the time you want to plog; A time in the afternoon where it isn’t too hot  and isn’t raining would be a good start.
  5. Find a place to start: Anywhere you feel comfortable like a park or beach.
  6. Pick up trash: When you jog, keep an eye out for trash (even the smallest pieces count!) – Know your limits: Anything that poses a risk like sharp glass shouldn’t be picked up unless you have tools that will properly dispose of it. If you don’t want to risk it, make it clear for people not to touch it.

I hope this post has encouraged you to start the trend!

Other sources

– Washington Post




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