Weekly Post #6: New Year’s Resolution Week 1

Hi edubloggers,

Photo Credit: Rosmarie Voegtli Flickr via Compfight cc

It’s been a week since I made my resolutions for 2018, so I thought I’d track down my progress. So far I read one and one half books, which were the first two books of Percy Jackson. It’s about a kid named Percy Jackson who was the son of Poseidon, the ocean god. Percy gets into a lot of trouble and frequently switches schools and is eventually sent to camp Half Blood to seek Zeus. On the way however, he encounters many monsters and goblins.

These two books were probably one of the best books I have ever read besides the “Magnus Chase” series. I was always wondering what would happen next – some parts were filled with fear and emotion and some filled with action. My favorite part of the book was when Percy fights Ares, the god of war. I could not put this book down. Wherever I went this book came with me. Rick Riordan Is a very good author and I love reading his books.


Also here was my progress:


Monday: MLK! I was able to read at least half the book.

Tuesday: Thus a typical, busy day I was able to read for 10 minutes (3/4)

Wednesday: Finished the first book and read one fourth of the next book.

Thursday: Read 1/2 of the book!

Friday: Planning to read the rest of it!


I hope to finish the series in three or four weeks. Stay tooned!

