Weekly Themed Post #5: Nintendo Switch and it’s previous consoles

Hello edubloggers,


In this week’s post, I will be talking about the new console by Nintendo that will be released in one month and the previous consoles.


First, there was the Nintendo Entertainment System which was the very first TV-compatible game console besides the Game and Watch which was probably a beta of the Gameboy and released the first 2-D games such as Legend of Zelda, Super Mario Bros, and Samus in 1981.

Photo Credit: Great Beyond Flickr via Compfight cc


Then there was the Super Nintendo Entertainment System which was probably a reboot of it’s older console and features the pixilated Super Mario World in the early month of 1990.


Then, almost five years later, Nintendo decided to take a different turn and style and created the first 3-d game console which was called the Nintendo 64 which was the year they pared up will a graphic company called, Sillicon Graphics. In my opinion, I know it is the first time and a giant jump between dimensions, but it kind of looked a little ugly and molded.


By by the time you know it, it was already the 21st Century and Nintendo created a improved graphic, cubed like console called the GameCube which release the meaningful game Super Mario Sunshine which was to promote cleaning up the environment and Luigi’s Mansion where Mario’s younger brother, Luigi takes the spotlight and is the main character of the game. I think it was called the “GameCube,” to probably represent it was a 3-d console.


About eight years later, the company released the Wii which is used on the TV, get two  small controllers, and even a exercise panel and app called “WiiFit.” This was definitely popular because. It brought back the 2nd dimension, made a current redesigns of all the foes in New Super Mario Bros Wii.


The second most recent console released in 2013 is called the Wii U. This was the first console where you can multitask by having the TV on your favorite channel while playing on the game pad which has a screen where you can play. They also introduced most of the most recent software such as, Mii Maker, Street Plaza, the use of Ambios, (where you can play the character in a game,) and Miverse where you can converse or give hints to other people online.


Finally, coming next month is the Nintendo Switch. From what I heard, you can play it in two styles. It can be a portable style that looks like a IPad and includes two small controllers to play if you want to see a friend or are bored on a airplane, and like the other six consoles they are TV-compatible.

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