SBC Week 5: Kumon

Hi Bloggers,

I didn’t really know what to think of when I first saw this post, but, I thought for a moment and thought, why don’t I do a post about Kumon?

Anyway, I have been doing a math and reading comprehension called Kumon since Pre-Kindergarten. I first went to the program because my mom went there before, and was working as a mentor there. At first, I started doing math which at that time was a breeze for me it was too simple, so they upgraded me by two years. A year later, I was enrolled into Reading comprehension which I liked and still like a lot because English is one of my favorite subjects along with math. When I was in 1st Grade and didn’t know any better, so doing the math which was two years ahead of me, I got frustrated over it and said, “I WANT TO QUIT” but, owner of the Kumon I go to told me that it was supposed to get harder which was how I was going to learn.

Since that day, I never gave up and actually liked it, even now. This life lesson helps me, especially now because I am about to do Algebra I which I have to solve for two variables and learning to graph polynomials.

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