Spring 2018 Student Blogging Challenge Week 1, Activity 1: My Avatar

Hi Edubloggers,


Happy 20th Student Blogging Challenge! I can’t believe it’s already been a decade since it’s debut! Thought was only here for four of those challenges, I’d still like to congratulate Miss. W for continuing to perpetuate this engaging, ten-week challenge.

Now, let me talk about the reason I made this post, and its about my new avatar (above.) Now for this avatar, I used avachara to recreate myself.

Most of this is realistic. My eyes and hair are dark brown, and I wear thick, black glasses.  You might be wondering, what I am wearing and honestly because its’ cut off, I don’t blame you. It is a kimono and hakama which sort of signifies the Japanese rituals I talk about on my blog. Although you wouldn’t see me wearing this, I just thought it would orientally fit in and because my wardrobe consists mostly of black shirts. I made my background dark checkered because it’s another one of my favorite colors and it matches with the avatar.

So that’s my new avatar.


