Final Post〜안녕히가세 요

Hi Edubloggers,


This probably being my last post of the year, I wanted to debrief a little.


Photo Credit: ivogelmann Flickr via Compfight cc

1. What you enjoyed the most this school year

I enjoyed many of the group discussions such as Socratic circle from Scope Magazines. Another thing I enjoyed was learning new words from Wordly Wise. I also enjoyed the Weekly Puzzles focusing on logic.

2. What you would have changed if you could redo this school year

I would increase my effort for my classes. Sometimes, I don’t ask when I need help which results in getting Bs or Cs. Another thing I wish I did was start assignments earlier to ensure I had a full understanding and did it well. Finally, I wish I did more interesting posts as some of mine are a bit boring to read.

3. What you’re looking forward to next school year

I am looking forward to continuing Edublogs and get more viewers. I hope that some basic weekly challenges are still imputed. However, I do wish to see newer, creative activities such as the quote activities, so keep it I can’t wait to meet more people and post during summer.


Anyway, goodbye until we meet again :(.



Best Work #4: Social Studies

Hi Edubloggers,


Today I will be talking about my best work for Social Studies. In the beginning of the year, our focus is about the world and coordinates. Like last year, we wanted us to make a slideshow containing geographic information about an unusual location. My location was ordos, China just north of the Yellow River. It is an unusual place because it is like a ghost town.

Click here and this link will send you to the slideshow.





Best Work #3: Math

Hi Edubloggers,


Today I will be talking about my best work for math. At the end of every trimester, our teacher wants us to do a project that is 10 percent of our grade. Some projects include trading, writing stories, and advancing financially. This trimester, we were supposed to write a Math Magazine (C).

For this project, we were supposed to write stories and write computable math problems.

Here is one of my articles.



It’s seconds before the New Year’s Kick in and probably anywhere from a party to spending time with your family you will hear the thunderous sounds of Fireworks resonating throughout your neighborhood.

Fireworks have been used since the 7th century China where it was accidentally invented in a field kitchen combining charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter. It was later modified 1,000 years later during the Silk Road Era by a Chinese Monk named Liu Yang who substituted charcoal with gunpowder. The Chinese used it in many traditional festivals Now, it is a widely known product that has many different types lighting up the sky.

Though many people enjoy them today at a party, there are still people such as elderly and young who get frustrated or scared at the atomic blast of fireworks as well as causing 11,000 injuries and 4 deaths in 2016. Besides that, CPSC staff has reports of 114 fireworks-related deaths between 2001 and 2016, for a shocking average of 7.1 deaths per year. deaths included eight deaths in 2013, 13 deaths in 2014, and 11 deaths in 2015 all from illegal or dangerous fireworks. Some of these injuries include amputated parts of the body, debris getting in your eye, phosphorus poisoning from consuming it, and tetanus. So this begs the question, why would we risk our lives just for the entertainment of people?

“Every year we read about all the people and animals injured because of fireworks displays.” Said a local fireman. “I’m not against a public display done by professionals who know what they’re doing. But allowing the general public to set off fireworks is dangerous and irresponsible.”
“ In my neighborhood, there are probably a dozen homes/families where fireworks are set off – not just on July 4th or December 31st and not just for an hour on those days,” said another local fireman.

Besides what the person said in the interview, people also complain about how it is shot in their neighborhood almost daily and at the most inconsiderate time scaring and infuriating tired people and forcing them to be in a “hostage” as they have to clean up debris from the exploded fireworks.


“Although, there are also reasons on news sites and polls stating why we shouldn’t ban them like debating that it is a staple in entertainment, social, and economic statics and that they would lose a lot of business from its downfall. “ said a local police man. He also debate that there will be less bonding time with families and some parties or festivals won’t be as exciting. “Honestly, we shouldn’t get rid of the product altogether,” said another person who shall not be named. “People are sometimes just inexperienced or careless causing a majority of all firework accidents. That’s why we should let the professionals take over.”

Thanks for reading!



Best Work #2: Science

Hi edubloggers,


Today, I will be talking about my best assignment for science. This year, our focus is on life science, so after going on a field trip to camp Mokuleia in September, we did a report about the Albatross, a soon to be deceased bird and what we observed in it’s Moli Bolus or vomit before they first take flight.

Here it is.


Chad Okawa
Friday, September 1st, 2017
Life Science, 7B

What’s for Dinner- Mol Bolus Report

Investigative Question: What does an albatross bollis reveal about its diet ?
Hypothesis: If I examine the contents of a Moli Blous, then I would find 100% undigested food such as a squid beak or plastic, because since we are so use to littering carelessly or using fish line, they might get fooled by thinking it is food in the ocean. I also think that there will be a lot of fish because it could vary in its diet.
Wax paper
Utensil (Fork or toothpick)
B. Procedure
Unwrap the Bolus
Get utensil
Sort the Natural things from one side and the unnatural objects
Analyze it
4A. Look at the man made pile
Get all plastics out
Get all Metal objects out
Get all Rubber out
Pile of dirt
4B. Get all natural items out of natural pile
Fish eggs.out of natural pile
Squid beaks
Fish fins

IV. Findings( Results)

Graph made by me on Google Sheets

V. Conclusion: The findings from the experiment tells a lot about the albatrosses environment. The findings in the bolus tells me the habitat is really trashed. The things I found most sometimes floats in the ocean. I can see how the Molus habitat is so dirty and nasty. There were fishing lines and lots of plastic things that aren’t suppose to be there. That what my findings were.
It sorta did because when I heard about the bolus I thought of it being dirty but not that dirty. The way I thought about was just dirt and some plastic. It turns out I was wrong there was so much plastic. These are a lot of things birds eat which is the worst part. Then my point was made so it was sorta close to my hypothesis.


VI. Connection to Real World: For the Molli, we should try save it by using less plastic or non biodegradable material. An example could be using and bringing your own water bottles instead of buying it. I also rethink we should do beach cleanups to make it easier for the species to know the difference. I also think we shouldn’t cut fishing lines since about 25% of the Bolus is in it.




Best Work #7: S.T.R.E.A.M/ Research Skills

Hi Edubloggers,


Shoots! This is the last part of the “Best Work” section for now, but be sure to expect a lot more!

Anyway, the last class is S.T.R.E.A.M, which stands for  is a class that involves Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. Our main focus for this class is to research what animals, landmarks, trees, and businesses are in Nuuanu Avenue. This slideshow talks about the Spotted Dove, one of the many invasive birds brought to Hawaii that is found specifically in Foster Garden.

Here it is!




Best Work #6: Art

Hi Edubloggers,

Picture taken by me 😉

This Post is about one of the best posts I made in art. It was technically a basic outline with a coat of water paint. It is supposed to represent Japan as it is “The Land of the Rising Sun.” In art we do a lot of fun projects such as weaving, painting, sketches, and pixel art.






Best Work #5: Life Skills

Hi Edubloggers,


This post is about my best post from Life Skills. We were required to write a letter in the beginning of the year and would open it later. Luckily, I saved it on my drive so you can read it.

Letter to Self


Dear Future-self,


As you read this, I hope you are doing well and that the future has been too. Since it was months ago, it will be hard to remember the past, but here is my life currently.


For me now, I am still enrolled in Kumon, which I am learning advanced Algebra in math , and a level review for summarizing in Reading Literacy. I am proud of my affection with taiko. I still am in the select taiko group at school, joined kenny Endo’s Intermediate Youth class, and am still playing Matsuri taiko at the Bon Dances. I am especially proud of being able to climb up the yagura (tower) and improvise Matsuri Jis the Odaiko (Big Drum.) Like last year, I am still diagnosed with aqua phobia and have a minute feeling of agitation when staring at cavernous water. However, my fear is slightly diminishing with practice. I am also afraid of heights and climbing tall mountains.

Finally, I think heavily about my grades and academic progress, and get really agitated when I see a mediocre or failing grade.


For my world, it is very similar to my letter last year. I have a two story house and live with my Grandmother and Mother, which I occasionally visit my Grandfather. I have a simple, adorned bedroom which sometimes gets messy. My neighborhood is very unique since across there’s a Wendy’s and to the left, is a catholic church. We only have two neighbors. Since 4th Grade, I have been a Buddhist. Since then, the Aiea Hongwanji Minister, Reverend Yagi shares weekly Dharma messages. Some of my some of my favorite book series include, I am Number Four, Divergent, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Amulet, and Percy jackson. Some of my favorite composers include 2ne1, BigBang, AKB48, and Alan Walker.

I mostly like to play taiko or read, but during my free time, I like to watch some TV. Sometimes, I would play on my ipad. I also like to play with my friends at recess. It is also fun doing work with them too because it’s nice to spend time with them.

I respect my friends and family. My family is my grandmother, grandfather, mother, aunts, and uncle. I am really xenodochial, which means I am friendly to strangers. I also spend time with my friends that i’ve known from school. That what I would like to do from there and on. I hope I will keep in touch with the people I spend time with now.


I hope right now when I am reading this I hope a got a GPA of 3.75 or higher so I can get onto the Dean’s list once again. When I get older I really want to become a dermatologist or cardiologist. I hope I can get good grades to accomplish that. I will probably meet my goal but it depends. Well future self, I hope you enjoyed.I will meet up with you later at the end of the year.




Weekly Post #9: Alcatraz Essay Contest

Hi Edubloggers,


Instead of talking about a different Taiko group, I will talk about my theory if the Anglin brothers survived and are still alive today. The Anglin Brothers, Frank Morris, Clarence Anglin, and John Anglin were the three possible survivors of the 1962 Alcatraz escape.


Scope Alcatraz Essay

 The 1962 Alcatraz Escape “Attempt” was one of the most daring escapes in history, being the only successful escape at that time. Alcatraz, prison, also known formally as the Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary was established in 1934 housing more than 200 prisoners. Like mentioned in the article, Alcatraz’s security system was very tight and by tight meaning counting the inmates many times a day, making escaping seem like a daydream. However, three brothers, Frank Morris, John Anglin, and Clarence Anglin proved the world wrong by developing a plan so cunning, that it took the guards a day to find out they were missing.

The first piece of evidence is a note written by John Anglin sent to the FBI in 2013. According to the Washington Post, John claimed that they all survived the escape, and his brother and Frank Morris died way later. He also said in an interview that he lived in Seattle Brazil, Seattle, North Dakota, and currently resides in Southern California, extremely close to the prison.The final piece of evidence that was found in the news interview was the DNA check comparing the letter with a 1962 letter written by him having matching results. Though it might be a fake, it is the case is still inconclusive.


Photo Credit: torbakhopper Flickr via Compfight cc

The next piece of evidence suggesting that the Anglin Brothers made it was the debris found by Angel Island, their intended location. Evidence from the book, Famous Crimes of the 20th Century, said that on June 14, a Coast Guard cutter found a broken paddle 50 yards south of Angel Island. They also found a wallet wrapped in plastic containing the names, relatives, and information of the Anglin Brothers. A week later, they found scraps of the raincoats used as the raft onshore. Despite the Mythbusters attempting and succeeding with the raft experiment, they drifted to San Francisco instead of Angel Island. Questioning if the Anglin Brothers actually made it to Angel Island.

The final, significant piece of evidence that could make a breakthrough was how their family was involved. According to the Anglin family, John’s girlfriend was supposed to drive them to Mexico. The only problem was that how they would have driven to Mexico since Angel Island is 2.5 miles from the mainland. Another piece of evidence that proves that they were included in the plan was that in the article on page 10, they said that they eventually made it to Brazil. We are certain they are not lying because there was a picture sent to the FBI showing the brothers disguised as someone else in Brazil. We also know that this is true because, in the 2013 letter from John, he said that he lived in Brazil, Seattle, North Dakota, and South California.Being involved with a section of the plan, we know that they were at least sightly involved.

Alcatraz, being the most secure prison of its time would seem impossible to escape, in fact some people still think that they didn’t make it with evidence such as “After their escape, the three brothers were never seen again (Scope Magazine: Escape From Alcatraz page 9),” and “A body was spotted floating in San Francisco Bay after the men’s escape attempt (***) (Scope Magazine: Escape From Alcatraz page 9).”However, there is still concrete evidence that they could’ve still made it.


Whew! This assignment was very tedious including ten hours of drafting, editing, and repositioning. However, I have a question for you guys. Do you think they escaped Alcatraz and the cause of the death of Frank Morris and Clarence Anglin was not by drowning or being gobbled by ravenous sharks, but by old age several decades later? Paste your comment in the section down below.









Weekly Post 1: Personification Story

Hey edubloggers,

I’m back! Since this is the first post since summer, it will probably be a little vague since my schedule is a little tight. Anyway, this is my personification story, which is a story to bring an inanimate object to life. Try guess this one!

It’s six o clock and I see the glaring light glare at me. After adjusting to the sun-bright light, I see Ms. Kojima walk to her desk and continue her endless task of grading papers and making assignments. Sometimes I watch her and i get tired of watching her eyes strodes to the right and left. Since the day I was installed, I heard the mesmerising soundtrack the three allies, the hour, minute, and hour working to simulating my pulse, “tick tock tick tock.” Currently, I live on the wall left from the left door. My neighbors include the TV and AC who comfort me in the dreadful realm of darkness at night. When Ms. Kojima has a class, I effortlessly watch the students perch down on the uncomfortable looking chairs. I feel annoyed about some of Ms. Kojima’s students because sometimes, in the middle of the class, some students will quickly glance up at me to see the time. Sometimes students will look at the TV monitor or at their phone for the time which makes me jealous pondering, “why do they have me if they have various modes of time?”

However, like the Recess and any time the room is not used is our climax to shine. First the second will carelessly clean the floor in a second, while the minute said “i will clean the floor minutely.” then hour also did its own ticking much slower than the second and the minute. Each takes their turn at their proven pace; mapping for a path to set a unique time for a final sweeping of the floor that will make it really promising so that in the next morning everybody in the room will be surprised that the floor is within the realm of a credible dimension. Everybody will ask, “Who did the sweeping of the floor?” But nobody will think it was the three allies: the hour, the minute, and the second who did the laborious sweeping of the floor, because in the morning they are just being visualized as an ordinary clock hanging on the wall, reminding us when to start another day; what is next to be done and to plan, but at night nobody knows that they are doing amazing things like sweeping all our dirt left on the floor.

One day after finishing my cleaning ritual at 5:30, I felt a sharp pang of pain and felt unconscious, I woke up an hour late being torn from my specified area. I found out one of my batteries ruptured and my neighbors got paralyzed. Later Ms. Kojima unscrewed me and took my batteries out which I was screaming from the inside and felt like belching. After belching liters of acid, I was cleaned with some liquid that burned and got new batteries placed in me. Finally, i was retrofitted to the late morning hour and latched back on the wall. Time is only essential as a testimony, so time keeps passing by and never has a passion to sleep. Let’s make a worthwhile to harmonize with the cycle of time.

Good luck!